Lorraine Southey Kolsore Lip Ointment
SARAH Fitzgerald Fitzgerald instant relief and gets to work on healing quickly, also great for any soreness inside the nose.
Ruth Copping I use this whenever I get dry irritated lips and the relief is almost immediate.
Corrinne Ryan Just spent 3 weeks working on the tops with alot of wind. Wind burn turns my lips into a blistering mess. With Kolsore my lips didnt blister up, I no longer have to use the pharmacy cream with god knows what in it.
Thank you Kolorex.
I have always known the powers of Horopito and even done experiments myself.
Kolorex has perfected it and a at a very affordable price.
I highly rate this lovely product
Sue Grieve The Lip Ointment is good and works quickly. I have not had a cold sore for awhile.